Wednesday 6 October 2010

06/10/2010 media studies lesson

In todays lesson we loked at another horror film which was called Wrong turn. We watched 3 minutes of the opening of the film. I drawn a table down where in one column there was Visual and in the other there was Audio. I had to write down all the different things i could see and hear in the film that make the film a horror film and write it down under audio and visual.

Some of the points that I got down for visual were the birds eye view at the start of the film were it showed a remote location and no one around it except two teenagers. While in the Birds eye view there was also a theme music that started calm and then a big thump and that just kept looping over and over again.

It starts of with the two teenagers rock climbing in the middle of nowhere and because they are high up it is always a sign of danger. When the boy is taken there is a drop of blood which falls on the girls face which is always a sign of something bad going to happen. The sound also gets louder when the blood spashes on her face as it does when she pulls her knife out and cuts the rope this is a big effect on whoever is watching the film.

It does not show you what is killing the teenagers at the start it builds your imagination with sounds like bushes moving then birds flying off and usually orchestrical music is the music they use in horror films to build up tension. A girl screaming is usually when she has seen something scary. They show this with audio and close up shots of her face when she is screaming.

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